Hyperspectral Remote Sensing in Urban Environments

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This book is intended to provide a detailed perspective on techniques and challenges in detecting urban materials using hyperspectral data including a systematic perspective on the spectral properties of the materials and methods. It adopts a process chain approach in describing the topic and explains image processing steps from reflectance calibration to final insights. The objective of the book is to provide in-depth information on hyperspectral remote sensing of urban materials covering global case studies as applicable.


  • Covers the complete processing chain of hyperspectral data specifically in urban environments;
  • Gives more information about the mapping and classification of urban scenes;
  • Includes information from basic imaging spectroscopy to advanced methods such as deep learning for imaging spectroscopy;
  • Reviews detailed spectral characteristics of urban materials commonly found in world cities;
  • Discusses advanced supervised methods such as deep learning with a due focus on hyperspectral data analysis.

This book is aimed at professionals and graduate students in Hyperspectral Imaging, Urban Remote Sensing, and Hyperspectral Image Processing.


1. Cities Means to Menace? 

2. Introduction to Hyperspectral Imaging 

3. Reflectance Calibration 

4. Spectral Resources 

5. Classification of Urban Land Use and Land Cover 

6. Appendix

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