Socio Legal Issues of Cyber Crime Tussle of National and International Technical Analysis

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Buy Socio Legal Issues of Cyber Crime Tussle of National and International Technical Analysis | Technical Books, our publication, New Arrivals, CYBER CRIME, A Social Legal Perspective


The socio-legal tussle surrounding cybercrime is a complex and evolving challenge that spans both national and international domains. At the national level, governments and legal systems  are constantly grappling with the rapid advancement of technology and the adaptation of criminal activities to the digital realm. Laws and regulations often struggle to keep pace with the ever-changing landscape of cyber threats, leading to challenges in enforcement and prosecution. Internationally, the analysis of cybercrime involves, collaboration and conflict. Countries must cooperate to address transnational cyber threats, sharing technical expertise and intelligence to combat cybercriminal networks. However, conflicting legal and jurisdictional issues frequently arise, making extradition and prosecution of cybercriminals a contentious issue. Moreover, international organizations and agreements are continuously being developed to establish norms and standards in cyberspace, but striking the right balance between security, privacy, and individual freedoms remains a point of contention.

In this socio-legal tussle, finding a harmonious equilibrium between the need for cybersecurity and protecting civil liberties is an ongoing and multifaceted challenge. Technical analysis plays a pivotal role in understanding the ever-evolving tactics of cybercriminals and developing effective strategies to combat cyber threats, both at the national and international levels. The book begins by establishing the context of the digital age, explaining the rapid expansion of cyberspace and its role in our lives. It outlines the types of cybercrimes, including hacking, identity theft, online fraud, and cyberbullying, shedding light on the alarming rise in these activities. Authors delves into the motives behind cybercrimes, from financial gain to espionage and hacktivism. Case studies and real-world examples illustrate the damaging impact of cybecrime on individuals, businesses, and nations, highlighting the urgency of addressing the issue.

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