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Buy DIGITAL COPYRIGHT LAW | Law Books , Indian Reprints

Digital Copyright Law provides an insightful analysis of the impact of digitization on the limitations and exceptions to copyright relating to educational use in India by engaging in a comparative study of India’s copyright law with that of the USA, EU and UK, set against the background of international copyright law and its developments. It delves into the policy rationale that underpins copyright law making at the international and domestic levels and questions the dominant narrative propagated by developed countries that stronger copyright protection in the digital age incentivizes the creation of new works. While doing so, this book aims to establish that developmental goals in developing countries such as India do not demand stronger copyright protection – which would tilt the traditional balance that copyright aims to foster unequivocally in favour of copyright owners – but warrant a copyright system that evenly balances the rights of the copyright owner with public interest in access to digital copyright works, particularly for educational purposes.

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