Aesthetic Experience and Somaesthetics

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This volume owes its genesis and takes its title from a four-day conference held in Budapest in June 2014. The conference was organized by Alexander Kremer, with sponsorship of the Hungarian Philosophical Association and the Pro Philosophia Szegediensi Foundation and with the help of Béla Bacsó and Csaba Olay. I was the invited keynote speaker. Some conference papers were published in the journal Pragmatism Today (edited by Alexander Kremer), while others were given to me for publication in this book. The collection, however, has been enriched by several papers not presented at the conference in order to provide a usefully wide-ranging perspective on aesthetic experience and somaesthetics in philosophy, the arts, and the philosophical art of living. Besides thanking the book’s contributing authors and the conference organizers and sponsors, I acknowledge my gratitude to the Schmidt Family Foundation that generously supports my work. I also wish to thank Elizabeth Cruz Petersen, Denise Pinnaro, Jennifer Valdez Jaimes, and Catherine Echenique of Florida Atlantic University for their help in putting the manuscript into proper form and preparing an index.

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