Regulation of Emerging Technologies and Artificial Intelligence in a Globalized Legal Regime: Challenges & Opportunities

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Buy Regulation of Emerging Technologies and Artificial Intelligence in a Globalized Legal Regime: Challenges & Opportunities | Law Books , our publication, New Arrivals, A Social Legal Perspective

"Regulation of Emerging Technoloies and Artificial Intelligence in a Globalized Legal Regime: Challenges & Opportunities" is a comprehensive and timely book that explores the intricate intersection of emerging technologies, artificial intelligence (AI) and global legal frameworks. Written by esteemed experts in the fields of law, technology and policy, this book delves into the complex landscape of regulating cutting-edge technologies that are rapidly transforming our world.
The noteworthy features of this book are as:
Emerging Technologies: The book begins by providing a detailed examination of the most trans-formative emerging technologies of our time. Including AI. blockchain, biotechnology, and autonomous systems. It offers insights into the potential benefits and risks associated with these innovations.
Global Legal Regime: The authors analyze the existing global legal framework and their adaptability to address the challenges posed by emerging technologies. They explore international agreements, treaties and conventions that play a role in shaping the regulation of these technologies.
Challenges: The book identities and dissects the, multifaceted challenges that governments, legal systems, and international bodies face hen attempting to regulate emerging technologies. These challenges may include ethical dilemmas, jurisdictional issues, and the rapid pace of technological advancement.
Ethical Considerations: Throughout the book, ethical considerations are woven into the discussion, addressing questions related to privacy, transparency, accountability, and the ethical use of AI and other technologies.
Case Studies: The authors provide real-world case studies and examples from various industries and regions to illustrate the complexities and potential solutions related to regulating emerging technologies.

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