Enterprise Risk Management: Modern Approaches to Balancing Risk and Reward

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Buy Enterprise Risk Management: Modern Approaches to Balancing Risk and Reward | New Arrivals, FOREIGN BOOKS , A Social Legal Perspective


This textbook demonstrates how Enterprise Risk Management creates value in strategic- and decision-making-processes. The author introduces modern approaches to balancing risk and reward based on many examples of medium-sized and large companies from different industries. Since traditional risk management in practice is often an independent stand-alone process with no impact on decision-making processes, it is unable to create value and ties up resources in the company unnecessarily. Herewith, he serves students as well as practitioners with modern approaches that promote a connection between ERM and corporate management. The author demonstrates in a didactically appropriate manner how companies can use ERM in a concrete way to achieve better risk-reward decisions under uncertainty. Furthermore, theoretical and psychological findings relevant to entrepreneurial decision-making situations are incorporated. This textbook has been recommended and developed for university courses in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.


  1. Introducing ERM

    • Stefan Hunziker
    Pages 1-15
  2. Countering Biases in Risk Analysis

    • Stefan Hunziker
    Pages 17-48
  3. Creating Value Through ERM Process

    • Stefan Hunziker
    Pages 49-162
  4. Setting up Enterprise Risk Governance

    • Stefan Hunziker
    Pages 163-207
  5. Looking at Trends in ERM

    • Stefan Hunziker
    Pages 209-234

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