Treating Addictions The Four Components

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Buy Treating Addictions The Four Components | Social Science Books, A Social Legal Perspective


Treating Addictions: The Four Components offers a unique and coherent understanding of addiction. The book begins with a chapter discussing the framework of addiction and the four essential components of treatments—the fundamentals of addiction, co-occurring disorders, quality of life, and macro factors—and subsequent chapters elaborate on each component. Most currently available addiction treatment books present knowledge and skills in separate chapters and fail to integrate all chapters within a single framework that can weave all concepts into a meaningful tapestry. Using a unified framework, this book offers students a comprehensive skill set for treating addictions.


Chapter 1: Introduction: The ACQS Model: Considering Addiction, Co-Occurring Disorders, Quality of Life, and Social Factors; Chapter 2 The Fundamentals of Addiction; Chapter 3 Addiction and the Co-Occurring Disorders; Chapter 4 Addiction and Quality of Life; Chapter 5 Addiction and Social Factors; Chapter 6 Spirituality, Connectedness, and Hope: The Higher Power Concept, Social; Chapter 7 Withdrawal Management and Relapse Prevention: Pharmacotherapy; Chapter 8 Withdrawal Management and Relapse Prevention: Behavioral Therapy and; Appendix A1 The CRAAFT Questionnaire – Self Administrated; Appendix A2 The CRAAFT Questionnaire – Clinician Interview; Appendix B The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT); Appendix C The Cannabis Use Disorder Identification Test - Revised (CUDIT-R); Appendix D Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment of Alcohol Scale, Revised (CIWA-Ar)

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